

The fighter is the most basic profession in all the lands, but it also covers the most specialities. They can use any weapon and wear any armor. Fighters include barbarians, swordsmen, mercenaries, duelists, and common soldiers.


The ranger is a master of the outdoors. Rangers can use any weapon, but tend to prefer lighter armor. Rangers have skill at stealth, tracking, and outdoor survival in various terrains. Rangers can also be specialty warriors called Slayers(good) and Stalkers(evil). Slayers are separated into the Lessons of Marn: Giant-slayers, Dragon-slayers, Mage-slayers, Holy-slayers, Undead-slayers, Nemesis-slayers, Assassin-slayers, Deep-slayers, Wild-slayers, and Sky-slayers. Slayers must have good alignments. The Stalker Faiths are each led by a different Lord and have a unique purpose. They include: Seer-Stalkers, Bard-Stalkers, War-Stalkers, Faith-Stalkers, Mage-Stalkers, Dead-Stalkers, and Guild-Stalkers. All Stalkers are evil.


The Knights of the lands are the most holy of warriors. They must act in a lawful good manner, and have other severe restrictions on what they can own and do. They can use any weapon or armor, and have some magical abilities. They are members of one of several Knighthoods loyal to the higher powers of good, including the Maul of Marcora (human), the Elderwood Knights (elven), and the Knights of the Kor (dwarven).


Berserkers are the most dedicated of all professions. Primarily the berserkers come from the people of the north, though Celtic berserkers are not unheard of and barbaric races have been known to have them as well. They are warriors capable of going into a deep trance and focusing only on defeating the enemy. This focus allows them to ignore pain, damage, fatigue and in some cases death, to fulfill their goals.


The rune-caster is a powerful warrior who has knowledge of the Runes of Power. Considered the mage-class of the north, rune-casters are able to tap into the mystic energies to add to their own strength and generate special powers. The runes can be learned by several classes of Norse adventurers, but none can compete with the mastery of the rune-caster. He is able to not only learn the runes but to bend them to create new runes or modify their results. Only Norse characters are capable of taking this profession.